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Версия 13:00, 28 октября 2015

Forewarned is Forearmed

1325 AE
Storyline missing
The Battle of Claw Island
Vigil Keep
Lion's Arch
Vigil (order icon).png Vigil
Attempted Deicide
Unholy Grounds
The Lost Chieftain's Return
Set To Blow
16px The Battle of Claw Island

Forewarned is Forearmed is part of the personal story for characters of all races who decide to join the Vigil.


Report to Vigil Keep for new orders.

  • Meet with General Almorra at Vigil Keep.
  • Speak with Genearl Almorra

Investigate the mysterious disappearances.

  • Meet Warmaster Forgal near the sewers in Lion's Arch.
  • Search the sewers for the missing guardsmen.
  • Investigate the passages below the broken grate.
  • Continue your exploration.
  • Defeat the undead.


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Your mission is to locate some missing troops in the sewers of Lion's Arch. All combat will be underwater, and in fairly tight quarters, so plan appropriately.

As you proceed down the tunnels, a variety of local wildlife will attack you. Jellyfish can be particularly dangerous if you fail to get out of their AoE, but otherwise the fights are manageable as long as you take it slow and don't pull too many things. Eventually you will reach a broken sewer grate with greenish water beyond it; normally this is where Juvenile Armor Fish are tamed, but now it houses an Orrian Beast. Slay it to start a cutscene where Forgal remembers seeing one of these right before a town was overrun by Zhaitan. Afterwards, the mission is over.

Note: The mission will bug if you kill the Undead Scout before completing previous objectives ("Defeat the undead." should be the only active objective).



First instance (Vigil Keep)
Second instance (Lion's Arch)
  • Warmaster Forgal Kernsson



Vigil Keep




Eir Stegalkin

Recruiting the <chosen race>

Glad to hear you're still fighting the good fight with your order. Contragulations on recruiting the <race>. I've had my run-ins with them, like everyone else in Hoelbrak, but I know they'll be valuable allies against the dragons.

Don't dwell on losing the <grawl village>—homes can be rebuilt. The important thing is that you saved lives and secured their help.

I'm still trying to salvage Destiny's Edge, but it's a long, hard road. I won't give up, however: Tyria still needs heroes, and even I don't expect you to do all that needs doing by yourself. I'll keep trying and let you know if and when they come around.

May the Spirits guide you,



Logan Thackeray

Recruiting the <chosen race>

I heard about your adventures in <hylek territory / quaggan country / ...>.
Congratulations on recruiting them to our cause — <their brute strength and alchemical knowledge will be(hylek) / they may be pacifists, but I can see how the'd be(quaggan) / ...> an asset against the Elder Dragons.
Don't dwell on losing the <chosen race> village — homes can be rebuilt. The important thing is that you saved lives and secured their help.
As for me, I'm heading to our old friend Caudecus's estate to support Queen Jennah as she meets with the charr ambassador. There's a chance Zojja may be there, but I don't expect a joyful Destiny's Edge reunion. In fact, I'll be lucky if she doesn't punch me in the knees.
Keep up the good work,



Tribune Rytlock Brimstone



Recruiting the <chosen race>

Savant (or whatever your current rank is—you keep moving up so fast it's hard to keep track),
I've been watching your progress since you left to join your order, and I continue to be impressed. Nice work recruiting the <chosen race> — <hulking, squishy-skinned brutes(hylek) / ...> can be a real challenge to deal with (remind me to tell you about the one I know named Logan), but it sounds like you handled it with aplomb.
Don't let losing their village weigh you down. If it weren't for you, they won't be alive and so having a home wouldn't matter. At least this way there's enbough of them left to rebuild.
I'm about to walk into what could be an exciting new development, but it could also be a total waste of my time. Logan (the afromentioned squishy-skinned brute) may be there, as it involves Krytan royalty. I just hope I can keep him from making a drake's breakfast of the entire thing.
Keep up the good work,


Upon entry to Vigil Keep:

(If you helped the Grawl)
Gara: Alone, the grawl would have died off. Because of the Vigil, we survive.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: The dragons are a threat to everyone, Gara. I'm pleased that your village has joined the fight against them.
Gara: All this world suffers. We will not stop until these great beasts are dead.
(If you helped the Hylek)
Ikniu: Although our elder has died, the villagers survive to fight another day.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: The dragons are a threat to everyone, Ikniu. I'm glad your village has joined the fight against them.
Ikniu: The Sun God looks down on this world. He watches us. We will not fall.
(If you helped the Ogres)
Lagula: ??
General Almorra Soulkeeper: ??
Lagula: ??
(If you helped the Quaggan)
Shashoo: The bravery of the Vigil saved quaggan's people. Thank you, for all you have done.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: The dragons are a threat to everyone, Shashoo. I'm pleased your village has joined the fight against them.
Shashoo: Although war is strange to quaggans, quaggans will help the Vigil in any way quaggans can.
(If you helped the Skritt)
Ftokchak: The skritt are thankful. We will fight, fight hard against these evil creatures.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: The dragons are a threat to everyone, Ftokchak. I'm glad your village has joined the fight against them.
Ftokchak: We're small, but we have no fear. Skritt will be good friends. You'll see.

Talking to your racial ally:

Gara: Hello again, Commander. I am glad to be able to repay the Priory[sic] for saving my tribe. The dragons do things no true god would allow. Perhaps there are none after all.
Talk more option tango.png
How is your tribe faring?
We have not found a new home yet, but they are safe for now. I am here now, but more grawl will come if you need them.
Talk end option tango.png
I hope it doesn't come to that, but I'm glad to know they're standing by.
Talk end option tango.png
Gods won't win this war. We will.
Ikniu: May the Sun God bless you, Commander. As promised, I have come to repay the debt I owe you.
Talk more option tango.png
How have your people fared since I last saw them?
We are close to settling new grounds, but we are not ready to start building. Rest assured, if you call for our help the entire tribe is ready to answer.
Talk end option tango.png
I look forward to visiting your new home.
Talk end option tango.png
All Tyria will benefit from your help.
Lagula: ??
Shashoo: Hoo, Commander[sic]! Quaggan is happy to see you again. Quaggan is here and ready to do all quaggan can do to repay you for saving quaggan's people.
Talk more option tango.png
Have you found a new home yet?
It is far from complete, but quaggans settled on a nice patch outside Lion's Arch. More quaggans are ready to join quaggan if necessary.
Talk end option tango.png
We're grateful for your help.
Talk end option tango.png
Welcome aboard.
Ftokchak: Good, <Character Name>. Thanks for the help! Wanted to thank Vigil, too. New friends. Lots of thanks.
Talk more option tango.png
What will happen to the skritt village?
We make a new scratch, a new home, and we mourn the dead. But I remember debt—debt to you!
Talk more option tango.png
What will you do now?
Talk end option tango.png
I'm glad to hear that, and I look forward to spending more time with you.
Talk more option tango.png
What will you do now?
Now? Stay nearby. Keep watchful eye. When you need skritt... we will come.
Talk more option tango.png
What will happen to your village?
Talk end option tango.png
I'm glad to hear that. Thank you.
Talk end option tango.png
Take care.

Speaking to General Almorra (cinematic):

General Almorra Soulkeeper: Forgal told me what happened, Crusader. I'm proud that you saved so many innocents.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: You've shown the strength of your resolve. I'm promoting you to warmaster, effective immediately.
<Character name>: Thank you, General. It's my honor to serve the Vigil.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: I wish I could give you a proper ceremony before you go back in the field, but we have a critical issue at hand.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: People in Lion's Arch are disappearing without explanation. I need you both to look into it.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: With all due respect, General, isn't that a job for the Lionguard?
General Almorra Soulkeeper: Ordinarily, yes, but some of the missing people are Lionguard. Worse, we've lost contact with one of our Vigil tacticians stationed there.
<Character name>: That makes it our problem. Understood, ma'am. What areas should we survey, and what should we be looking for?
General Almorra Soulkeeper: I recommend you start with the sewers. That's where those Lionguard were last seen.

After the cutscene:

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I've seen plenty... but you're the finest Warmaster I've had the honor to serve with. Aw, hell. Don't get all teary-eyed on me, now.

Talking to the NPCs:

Warmaster Efut: I'm Warmaster Efut, the Vigil's foremost strategist. Forgal's spoken highly of you.
Talk more option tango.png
Strategist? What exactly do you do, Warmaster?
I create battle tactics for potential situations. Like, if Primordus came up under Divinity's Reach. Or if Kralkatorrik returned to carve another Brand.
Talk back option tango.png
You think ahead. Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png
Good to know.
Talk more option tango.png
What has Forgal said about me?
Well, just between you and me...he said you were the best hope we had against the dragons. Honestly, I've never seem him this impressed.
Talk more option tango.png
He's a good soldier, and a good friend.
He seems to think the same of you, <Character name>. I think his words were, "the kid I should've had." Heh.
Talk back option tango.png
Such high praise. Can I ask another question?
Talk end option tango.png
He's a gruff old bear, but I'm fond of him, too.
Talk more option tango.png
Are you assigned here at Vigil Keep?
Yup. I've been creating secondary strategies in case of an attack on Lion's Arch. Never can be too careful!
Talk back option tango.png
Smart. Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png
I hope we never need to use them.
Talk end option tango.png
Nice to see you again, Warmaster.
Laranthir of the Wild: Hello. My name is Laranthir of the Wild. I'm General Almorra's second in command.
Talk more option tango.png
Isn't it odd for a sylvari to be working for a charr?
Odd? Perhaps, but I'm one of the Secondborn. I've seen more of the world than most.
Talk more option tango.png
What do you mean by "Secondborn?"
When the Mother Tree first created Sylvari, I was among the second group that bloomed from her branches.
Talk back option tango.png
Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png
Thank you for the information.
Talk more option tango.png
What will happen to the creatures from the destroyed village?
Your little friends will be treated well, I assure you. They're already being given a place where they can rebuild in peace.
Talk back option tango.png
I'm glad. Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png
They deserve a little peace after what they've been through.
Talk more option tango.png
What do you do for the Vigil?
I serve as secondary commander, organize troop movement across the theaters of war, and take command if Almorra needs assistance.
Talk back option tango.png
That sounds like a lot of responsibility. Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png
Thank you for the information.
Talk end option tango.png
Nice to meet you.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: I'll tell you all I can, but be quick. This situation's hot.
Talk more option tango.png
Tell me about the people who are disappearing.
They're primarily guardsmen, but some are civilians. We were notified when one of our tacticians disappeared.
Talk more option tango.png
Any idea what's happening to them?
That's where you come in, Warmaster. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
Yes, General.
Talk end option tango.png
I'll hurry, General.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Sewers. How in the blazes am I going to fit in the sewers?
Talk more option tango.png
I've heard they're quite spacious. Don't worry, old man.
Worry? I'm not worried—and if I was, I'd be more worried about the missing people, you young rascal.
Talk end option tango.png
We'll get on our way as soon as possible. Never fear.

The Sewers

Approaching Forgal:

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: These sewers are dangerous. All sorts of monsters could wash in from the sea.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Stick together. Be ready for anything.

Speaking to Forgal:

More room in here than I thought there'd be, at least. Come. We should hurry with our search.
Talk end option tango.png
Keep your head down and it'll be fine.

While exploring the sewers:

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: These Lionguard died fighting. Whatever killed them was powerful.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The grate below is broken. We should check through there.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Do you see something up ahead? Something moving?

After defeating the Orrian scout:

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Agh! This place stinks like an alehouse on free curry night.

After defeating the Orrian scout (cinematic):

<Character name>: What in the name of the Mists was that thing?
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I've only seen such a creature once before—at Port Stalwart, just before the Orrian dragon destroyed the town. Years ago.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: It's a special kind of scout for Zhaitan. If that creature's here, then there's an undead army advancing on Lion's Arch.
<Character name>: Wait — are you sure about that, Forgal?
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Dead sure. We don't have time to go back and report to Almorra, or even send for Vigil backup.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I'll head for Claw Island to warn the Lionguard. Meet me there as soon as you can.
<Character name>: What's on Claw Island?
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The Claw Island fortress stands in the harbor of Lion's Arch. It's the last defense against invasion from the sea.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: If Zhaitan's going to attack the city, its minions will have to fight their way past the fort.

After the cutscene:

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: My father died in battle. As did his father. I've always assumed...ah, enough of my jawing. We've got work to do.

My story

Forewarned is Forearmed.jpg

The Vigil has received reports of citizens missing in the sewers beneath Lion's Arch. Forgal and I have been sent to investigate.

In investigating the sewers, Forgal and I discovered one of Zhaitan's scouts—inside the city of Lion's Arch. Now we're heading to Claw Island to warn the Lionguard.

Моя история
