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1325 AE
Storyline missing
Helping Hands
Graupel Kohn
Ulukk's Hunger
Durmand Priory (order icon).png Mightier than the Sword
16px An Apple a Day
Vigil (order icon).png Minister's Defense
Vigil (order icon).png Quaestor's Siege
The False God's Lair
Salvation Through Heresy

Doubt is part of the personal story for asura, charr, or norn characters. It starts the story arc of racial sympathy for those who choose the grawl.


Find the wounded grawl shaman.

  • Meet your order representative at the Bergtrolde Homestead.
  • Track down the injured grawl.
  • Follow the grawl shamans's trail.
  • Protect the grawl shaman from the blood-crazed arctodus.
  • Speak to the grawl shaman.

Help Gara convince the other shamans their god is false.


Click here to edit the reward data

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(Note: If you had been in the Vigil headquarters in Gendarran Fields, you may have a false lead indicating the Vigil Asuran Gate as a path to "Doubt." Go to Lion's Arch instead, then the Asuran Gate to Hoelbrak, or just go directly to Hessdallen Kenning Waypoint in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. "Doubt" starts near there.)

Meet with a Norn woman and find that she has thrown Gara out of the camp. Search the area and fight off wildlife to save Gara. Converse with Gara, then exit the instance and head for Ulukk's Hunger.





Bergtrolde Homestead[править]

Upon approaching the house:

Gegnir: Who was Mom yelling at before? She sounded real mad.
Kid: I think it was that weird, hairy guy with the bone hat. She kicked him out into the snow.
Gegnir: Good. He was creepy and he talked funny.

Cinematic with Bergtrolde:

When a member of the Durmand Priory
Magister Sieran: Excuse me, did I hear that right? You forced an injured grawl out into the snow? Whatever happened to norn hospitality?
Bergtrolde Icetreader: It only goes so far. All that brute did was grunt and bleed and moan about his false god.
Bergtrolde Icetreader: I'm as charitable as the next person, but he was stinking up the place and I didn't want him scaring my kids. So out he went.
Magister Sieran: "To bleed out, freeze to death, or be eaten by a wild predator. Charming.
Magister Sieran: Well, if we follow the trail of blood and tears, I'm sure we'll find him in no time. Thanks so much for all you've done.
When a member of the Order of Whispers
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Excuse me, madam. I gather that an injured grawl came through here? And that you tossed him out into the snow?
Bergtrolde Icetreader: That's right. And what of it? All he did was grunt and bleed and moan about his false god.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Ah, very good. So you chucked him out to freeze, die of his wounds, or be eaten by a wild beast. Very compassionate.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: But tell me: After you hurled him out into the cold, dark night, which way did he go after he stopped bouncing and rolling?
Bergtrolde Icetreader: Don't know, don't care. I'm as charitable as the next person, but he was stinking up the place and I didn't want him scaring my kids. So out he went.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: There's bound to be tracks out there in the snow. I think we're done here. And you, madam, should be a little kinder to lost, broken things.
When a member of the Vigil
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Did you really toss a wounded grawl out into the snow? Which Spirit of the Wild teaches you to treat travelers like that?
Bergtrolde Icetreader: The Spirit of "Shut Your Stupid Face and Mind Your Own Business, Grandpa." All he did was grunt and bleed and moan about his false god.
Bergtrolde Icetreader: I'm as charitable as the next person, but he was stinking up the place and I didn't want him scaring my kids. So out he went.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Well, young lady, the next time you get lost or hurt in the snow, I hope you don't seek shelter from someone who calls on that spirit.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Come on, Crusader. With all the wild beasts around here, that shaman is anything but safe, but I think we can still pick up his trail.

Talking to your mentor after the cinematic:

Magister Sieran: I hate to think of anyone wandering lost, alone, and wounded in this cold. I just hope we find Gara before the snow swallows him up.
Talk end option tango.png
Don't worry, we'll find him.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Burn me, it's cold out here. I'm worried about our new grawl friend. I've got only four fingers and a thumb left to lose to frostbite, but Gara may not be so lucky.
Talk end option tango.png
Don't worry, we'll find him.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Just terrific. The grawl aren't famous for their social skills. And for all we know, Gara's already dead.
Talk end option tango.png
The first step is to find him. Come on.

Talking to Bergtrolde after the cinematic:

Bergtrolde Icetreader: My lodge is for travelers and adventurers who can pay. I've got no room for mooching grawl moaning about their lot in life. Especially with my kids around.
His name was Gara, and he was injured. You should have let him stay.
Have you ever met a grawl? They're hairy, they stink, and they pray loudly to anything remotely out of the ordinary. I'd sooner let a murellow into my lodge.
Talk end option tango.png
So much for hospitality and kindness. Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png
I don't have time for this. Good-bye.

Inspecting the tracks:

The tracks on the ground indicate the grawl shaman has passed this way.
Talk end option tango.png
Continue tracking the grawl.

While tracking the grawl:

Magister Sieran: Uh-oh. All this blood has attracted some unwanted attention.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Looks like we have company.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: This is bad. The blood trail is going to draw every predator and scavenger in the region.
Magister Sieran: All that blood...we'd better find him fast before he runs out.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: The more this grawl bleeds, the more trouble he draws. We need to find him fast.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: This trail is too wide, too long. We'd better find him before he bleeds out.
Bear Shaman: By Bear. What is that?
Gara: No! Get away! I will not die to feed a mad beast's hunger!
Magister Sieran: We found our shaman. And it looks like he's made a friend.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: There he is. Quick, get that beast off his back so we can talk to him.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Found him! But it looks like we're not the only ones.

Cinematic with Gara:

Magister Sieran: Hello, grawl. We're from the Durmand Priory and we're looking for a shaman named Gara.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Looks like we got here just in time. Burn me, I thought I was damaged goods, but this poor guy... Hey, are you all right? Are you the shaman named Gara?
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: On your feet, grawl. The beast is dead, and we need to talk to you. The Vigil sent us to help a shaman named Gara. Are you Gara?
Gara: I am nothing. The god I praised is false. It has the power of winter, but it tried to kill me and failed.
Gara: It is no god. A true god would not have failed. My "god" is merely a savage beast. I am lost. Just let me freeze.
Magister Sieran: No, we will not let you perish. you have to tell your people that their god is false, that it's merely a dragon minion. We'll help you.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: After saving your life? Not a chance. Besides, you still have to prove to your tribe that the "god" is really a dragon minion. We'll help.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Can't. We need you. You have to prove to your tribe that their "god" is really a dragon minion. We'll help.
Gara: They won't listen. Though it failed to kill me, the false god is very strong. It brings ice and death. They fear it and will not risk its anger.
<Character name>: They will if we prove it's no god. We know a lot about this sort of thing. If you introduce us, I'm sure we can get them to listen.
Gara: Maybe... yes. With your help, perhaps they will listen. My home is not far from here. I will meet you there.

After the cinematic:

Gara: Thank you again for your help. I will meet you back at the village.

Talking to Gara:

To the north is my village, Ulukk's Hunger. I will meet you there. I will tell my people you're coming. If they forget, mention my name and you won't have to fight them.
Talk more option tango.png
I have some questions.
What do you want to know?
Talk more option tango.png
Tell me more about your people.
We make our home in the wild places of this world. We worship the awesome power of nature in all its guises, and call upon it to hunt, to heal, to destroy our enemies.
Talk more option tango.png
Who leads your people?
Every tribe has shamans who guide the people...that is, if they agree. When shamans disagree, there is usually blood.
Talk back option tango.png
I have more questions.
Talk end option tango.png
Thanks. That's all I needed to know.
Talk back option tango.png
I have more questions.
Talk end option tango.png
Thanks. That's all I needed to know.
Talk more option tango.png
Tell me more about the false god you saw.
It was a fearsome monster wreathed in ice and frost. Its touch froze the blood and shattered the skin. It did not speak, it merely attacked. I barely escaped.
Talk more option tango.png
That sounds like a minion of the Ice Dragon, Jormag.
I don't know its name, or its master's. All I know is that it is a beast, and it does not deserve our worship. If I cannot convince my people to resist it, it will destroy us all.
Talk back option tango.png
I have more questions.
Talk end option tango.png
Well said. The same is true for all of Tyria.
Talk back option tango.png
I have more questions.
Talk end option tango.png
We won't let that happen. I'll meet you at your village.
Talk more option tango.png
What do other grawl think of the Elder Dragons?
Other tribes speak of them as the mightest gods of all. But after what I saw in the cave, I say might alone does not make a thing godly.
Talk back option tango.png
I have more questions.
Talk end option tango.png
Very true. Let's see if we can convince the rest of your tribe.
Talk end option tango.png
Never mind. I'll see you at Ulukk's Hunger.
Talk end option tango.png
I hope it doesn't come to that. See you there.

Talking to your mentor after the cinematic:

Magister Sieran: ??
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: ??
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: This furry little foulup better be worth all this trouble. I don't agree with that lady, but I see where she's coming from: grawl aren't to be trusted.
Talk more option tango.png
We need all the allies we can find to fight the dragons.
Watch that tone, Crusader. We want all of Tyria to join our cause, but only if they'll contribute. The grawl could be strong allies, but I'm not convinced they'd be reliable.
Talk end option tango.png
Let's go find Gara. Maybe he'll convince you.
Talk end option tango.png
If you say so. But our mission is still to find Gara.

Ulukk's Hunger[править]

Upon entering the cave (depending on order mentor):

Magister Sieran: This is big. We're in an actual grawl stronghold. They never let people visit!
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Grawl can be twitchy. I don't like being surrounded by 'em with no clear exit.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I don't like walking into a grawl den without backup. Stay sharp.

Speaking with your mentor:

Magister Sieran: ??
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: ??
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I have my doubts about this. I've never seen anyone "convince" a grawl of anything. I don't even know if they're capable of making an argument, and now we're here to watch grawl debate?
Gara seems eloquent enough. We have to let him try.
Yeah, he's the first and the only grawl I can say that about. You're right, though: it's worth a try. But if this falls apart, we'll need a new plan.
Talk end option tango.png
That's the spirit.
Talk end option tango.png
No, we're here to help Gara and maybe recruit his tribe to join our cause.

Going further in:

Grawl Berserker: You're stupid. And crazy. My god is stronger than yours.
Grawl Trapper: Your god is just a rock. My god lights up the whole night sky. Rock is weak!
Grawl Berserker: Rock is strong... but the ice god is stronger. Stronger than yours, too.

Entering the first chamber:

Gara: Listen to me. The ice god tried to kill me, and failed. Gods don't fail. It is no god!

Cinematic with Gara:

When a member of the Durmand Priory
Magister Sieran: Any progress, Gara? Have you convinced your people the ice god is really a dragon minion?
Gara: No. The other shamans don't believe. They say I was rejected by the god, and that is why I didn't go to paradise.
Gara: Now they're afraid the god will be angry because I wasn't worthy. I can't convince the tribe until I convince the shamans.
<Character name>: Then we have to find a way around the shamans. We'll take your plea straight to the people.
Magister Sieran: We'll have to show them indisputable proof. Or at least stop the other shamans from stirring up the people against Gara so he can make his case.
Magister Sieran: Either way, we have to move fast. You're the one who's good at planning, Explorer. How should we handle this?
Magister Sieran: Bring back proof from the false god's cave, or help Gara convince the people directly?
When a member of the Order of Whispers
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: How goes it, Gara? Any closer to convincing your people that the god is really a dragon minion?
Gara: No. The other shamans don't believe. They say I was rejected by the god, and that is why I didn't go to paradise.
Gara: Now they're afraid the god will be angry because I wasn't worthy. I can't convince the tribe until I convince the shamans.
<Character name>: Then we have to find a way around the shamans. We'll take your plea straight to the people.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: And for that, we need proof. Or at least, we need to give Gara space and time to make his case.
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Either way, we need to act fast. What do you think, partner? What's the best way to handle this?
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Bring back proof from the false god's cave, or help Gara convince the people directly?
When a member of the Vigil
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Tell us, Gara. Have you convinced anyone else that the ice god is really a dragon minion?
Gara: No. The other shamans don't believe. They say I was rejected by the god, and that is why I didn't go to paradise.
Gara: Now they're afraid the god will be angry because I wasn't worthy. I can't convince the tribe until I convince the shamans.
<Character name>: Then we have to find a way around the shamans. We'll take your plea straight to the people.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Right. So we'll need proof, or we'll need to keep the shamans and their supporters quiet so Gara can make his case.
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Either way, the clock is ticking. What do you think, Crusader? What's the surest way to complete this mission?
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Bring back proof from the false god's cave, or help Gara convince the people directly?

Grawl in the back of cave:

Grawl Berserker: Gara survived. How? Why didn't the ice god take him to paradise?
Grawl Berserker: Maybe he did. Maybe Gara wasn't good enough for paradise and was sent back.
Grawl Berserker: Then the ice god will be angry. When the god is angry, we suffer.

Talking to Grawl Shaman:

Behold, the Ice God's totem! Fall to your knees! Only the chosen few are allowed to see it in person and be swept up to paradise, but all may worship its effigy.
Talk more option tango.png
Shaman Gara saw the "Ice God" and said it was false.
Lies! Do not question the Ice God, worship it! The Ice God makes us strong. The Ice God will carry us to glory and eternal bliss!
Please. It'll carry you in its gut until its done digesting you, and no further.
You know nothing. Paradise awaits for the worthy. Leave. Take your ignorance with you.
Talk end option tango.png
Yeah, no ignorance here.
You should listen to Gara. He's been to the cave, and there is no paradise there.
You listen to Gara? Then you listen to the words of a fool. Go, now!
Talk end option tango.png
Very well. Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png
If you say so.
Talk end option tango.png
Maybe later.

Talking to Gara after the cinematic:

I was the most recent offering, but the other shamans still don't believe what I say. They think the god rejected me for my impure faith, and that's why it didn't take me to paradise.
Talk more option tango.png
If the shamans are the problem, we have to convince the people directly.
Yes. We can either get proof from the false god's cave or I can speak directly to the people. Both carry risks: the beast will fight us, and the shamans will attack me if I cross them.
Talk more option tango.png
Let's get proof from the cave. I want to see this false god for myself.
I would never return to confront the false god alone, but I have seen you fight, and I know your intentions. Meet me near the false god's lair, north of Steelbrachen.
Talk quest choice tango.png
Talk end option tango.png
I need more time to think.
Talk more option tango.png
Make your case to the people. My mentor and I will protect you.
Then meet me at the Wide Expanse. It's where my people gather to hear their shamans' words and decide as a tribe. Remember: it will be extremely dangerous.
Talk more option tango.png
How is it dangerous?
The other shamans believe in the false god's divinity. I'll be challenging their beliefs. They'll kill me, and you, before they let us convince the tribe they're wrong.
Talk quest choice tango.png
They can try, but we'll stop them. I promise you that.
Talk end option tango.png
In that case, I need more time to think.
Talk end option tango.png
Let me think this over.
Talk end option tango.png
Give me a moment to think it over.

Talking to Gara after making a choice:

I feel strong for the first time since the false god attacked me. With your help, I can free my people from its clutches.
Talk end option tango.png
Count on that, Gara. It's why we're here.

Speaking to your mentor back at the cave entrance:

Magister Sieran: ??
Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: ??
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Gara is exceptional, but I still don't know if grawl can be swayed. We could both raid the false god's cave and take Gara's case to the people, and it might not make any difference.
Talk end option tango.png
The difference is us. We'll make sure Gara's people see the truth.

My story[править]


My mentor and I located Gara, the wounded grawl shaman. He told us about the monster that his people have mistaken for a god. We confirmed the "god" is a dragon minion, and we agreed to help Gara prove that to his people.

Due to the opposition of the other shamans, Gara was unable to convince his people that their "god" is just a savage beast. The grawl don't give up their gods easily, so we've decided take bold steps that will prove Gara's claims beyond any doubt.

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